immortal harry potter star wars fanfiction

Think about it: It's why everyone is after her. Chuck Norris must have thought one day if he could write something so heinous and even he couldn't read. An index page listing Fanfics of the 2000s content. Her mood on My Space is always "Goffik". Extrapolated, it can be theorized that Tara has seen (or at least heard of, since she seems to know next to nothing in particular about the Potter series) Back to the Future, Star Wars, The Matrix, the Lord of the Rings books (this may be a stretch, but she only needs to have heard of "Tom Bombadil" once in order to be able to plausibly use his name) and seen something that she likes (therefore making it Gothic and worth mentioning in her eyes). SATAAAAN!" XXXmidnitegoffXXX writes intentional badfics and did one of the "fake" My Immortal sequels, but is listed by Tara as one of her favorite authors. And it is important for Ebony to be with Draco, so Voldemort could extort her. Rory from the name of the star. Both Share 'Mort' in their names. The reason why this plan was not very evident in the story itself, was because it was written from the POV of Ebony, who is actually chosen to be the centerfold of this plan because of her stupidness, which is not a very reliable point of view. And it could explain why it's the epitome of, I imagine it could be hailed as the pinnacle of. She is the preppiest prep ever. This is fan-fiction of an. While in either phase, patients may abuse alcohol or other substances, which can worsen the symptoms. Of the, "even bad attention is good type." Fanfic/Star Wars Light In Dark Time. "The definitive collection of Darkover short fiction written by the author herself."--Back cover. Using black line illustrations on framed acetate pages, this enchanting book allows fans to project their favorite scenes from the Harry Potter films at home with a flashlight. Whether or not the author was trolling or never thought people would believe her story is irrelevant. She is currently locked away in an asylum far away from a computer in hopes that she get better. But some neuron conectivity remained, enough to remember that there was a Ravyn. She also used it in later works. This is made somewhat probable by the fact that he is clearly a nerd. Pinterest. She hasn't perfected the No Indoor Voice yet, but is taking steps towards "MUST! Thusly, she's hiding her actions to reach our reality. She talks about sex in porno terms, if even that; she often says "thingy" and "you-know-what", showing she actually has no idea what they're called. He wanted to write fanfic, but also test out his acting ability. Kara has seen the Harry Potter films because the Eymorg picked up TV broadcasts of them. It's obvious that Raven is the true mastermind here. Here's a banger: She used the killing curse on herself. Harry Potter fans love a good mystery, and one of the biggest in the fandom has finally been answered. Everything Changes. Remember how Finnegans Wake was horribly received in Joyce's time? She can make another girl feel "anointed" by declaring her a special friend. Found insideThe faithful (often furry) sidekick: Chewbacca from Star Wars, ... The tortured vampire/alien/other typeof immortal being who lives out their lifein ... A version of Harry Potter from a universe with advanced technology ends up in Middle Earth during the events of the Hobbit movies. My Immortal is actually nonfiction. Notice how all the Groundhog Day Loops somehow involve Volxemort. We want to hear your thoughts on this topic! Tara was the inspiration for Gilderoy Lockhart. Yet she talks about events that haven't even happened in the book. He tried nearly everything in his power to kill, Sep 18, 2021 Site : | Category : Star Wars + Harry Potter Crossover | Rated : Fiction T | Chapters : 40 | Words : 172,426 | Reviews : 4,093 | Favs. Some troll was looking for something to hijack. Of course, a secret of that magnitude took all of a week before an article ran in the Daily Prophet. Marvel. And seeing how My Immortal supposedly got an abnormal amount of reports, you'd think that the account itself would have been deleted, but it wasn't because they had protected the account, but not the story. Thus was born My Immortal. is certainly dumb enough to write this and the names are so close. True, the odds of all of these possibilities all coming together into one are very low, but stranger things have happened in the world. Yet for Harry Potter the end is just the beginning. What writer would write that? Whoever did the transcribing embellished it and added parts, trying to come up with a storyline for the random text fragments. Based loosely from the Harry Potter world, it stars a Mary Sue like no other with more Mary Sue skills than you could handle. Because it makes more sense than the original story does. The woman who gave us the immortal line "Brain and brain, what is brain?!" it's a pretty blatant self-insert fic of a teenage girl living out her fantasy of being a sexy vampire who all the hot guys fight over and . It would even explain the bad English. And then, he let the fic to the humanity. It is pure, unadulterated, mary sue fantasy manifested into text form without the constraints of actually being writing. Follow/Fav The Last Immortal. He had to give it indirectly since the selves shall never meet. Tara is either the future Jane Austen of our decade, either a very young writer. It would look a lot like My Immortal. The troll who hacked My Immortal is Clyde Cash, evil overlord of the internet and Chris's sworn enemy. Based loosely from the Harry Potter world, it stars a Mary Sue like no other with more Mary Sue skills than you could handle. Read the top line (important part reprinted here): Don't get your hopes too high (or for others, you can breathe a sigh of relief): What will this new story be about? NOW! It's quite plausible that Tara ended up taking a year off from her story, and by the time she got around to looking at it again, she had actually matured - maybe not a lot, but just enough to see the horror of the story that she had made. Alternatively, My Immortal started out as a parody, but Tara went insane and, My Immortal is an experiment gone horribly wrong that destroyed its creators. Why did they choose the female teenage human as their reference point? Approximately no one in the world is pretending that Tara ever knew the first thing about being Gothic, and since her author notes indicate that at the time of writing, she, like Ebony, only saw things in terms of Gothicness or preppiness, it seems logical that anything Tara saw, she put into those categories. Well, it takes place at a castle called Hogwarts and it is a school, even if it doesn't seem to teach magic anymore. But she couldn't just make them dorks or ordinary kids, that would be lame. Here's how she measures up to Rosalind Wiseman's newest "Queen Bee" criteria: Think about it. Rowling was inspired by Ebony and wrote "Chamber of Secrets." We all know the saying that, given enough time, a thousand monkeys at a thousand typewriters would stumble across the greatest work of literature ever produced, or recreate the entire works of Shakespeare, right? And to know and parody (assuming this is a parody) every cliche in the book so masterfully, she'd have to be Genre Savvy. But... but it was written way after "Chamber of Secrets"... wait, of course! In canon, Ron has many opportunities to become The Resenter, and a few books have him dip into jealousy and . As a Muggleborn, she has been exposed to Muggle culture for most of her life. He eventually came to be known as Satan and was worshipped. She wanted to make sure people would keep talking about her story, so she just escalated the badness of it. He was a close friend and partner with former Hogwarts Headmaster Albus Dumbledore. The author does, however, show off some impressive knowledge of the tech in the Star Wars expanded universe, as well as a comprehensive understanding of politics and reactionary policies. Two boys who are best friends visit an illegal freak show, where an encounter with a vampire and a deadly spider forces them to make life-changing choices. If only she'd gotten to post that last chapter... Or it will finally confirm whether or not My Immortal is a troll fic. Tara comes off as a sort of proto-Abridged!Raye from Sailor Moon Abridged. Think about it: Every time unmentionables are mentioned, Tara gets into all the gorey details of male private parts, but only refers to Ebony's as "my you-know-what". Now how did that get there....? "Tara Gillesbie" is the Internet name for, "Tara Gillesbie" is an experimental female. Found insideExplores the history and culture of fanwriting and how it has transformed popular culture as well as reading, writing, and authorship, and includes discussions from both professional and fan writers. By: J'adore Foxy T-T. . Everybody, but Ebony is the star! Then he regenerated into Voldemort(the guy with no nose). Or, it's not supposed to be a fanfic at all: Harry Potter is similar to their word, "Herry Ptter," which means something like "smart seminar." We finally know who wrote the infamous harry potter fanfic 'my immortal'. During the tour, they start jamming, write some songs and eventually collaborate on an album afterwards. The shiny thing on the other end of the street is simply the end in Tara having her story written and posted online. Needless to say, it didn't work. She never swears, is a virgin, and can't stand any of the so-called "goffic" bands. When Ebony returns to the past, Tom "satan" Bombodil seems to function exactly like a time lord. Very well. Maybe Tara gave up on the internet after the second hacking locked her out of her FF account? It's possible that all Ebony's sisters died before the story began (Hey, that would give her an actual reason to be depressed). All you knew was that this music made you feel different from anyone you shared a locker with. See Written by the Winners. Pride And Prejudice, the story of Mrs. Twisting the Hellmouth is a fan fiction archive of over 20,000 Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel crossover stories. While haemovores, beings that feed on blood, vampires are biologically immortal transgenics, as opposed to supernaturally immortal demons of Medieval superstition, and, as such, do not possess any of the mystical weaknesses of . In the meantime, now’s probably a good time to read (or re-read) My Immortal. (All those. IM DA REEL EGOGY!1!!!!!11!!! The epic story that began with Heir to the Empire reaches its dramatic conclusion in this essential Star Wars Legends novel. They're not supposed to be Slughorn, Lupin or Sirius. Hey, Rowling played the same plot twist with the same character twice in the actual series. Was tvtropes really around back then? Let the fun begin. The story is a copy of the Daily Prophet that Ron and Hermione's kids accidentally put online. Finally, it has more recently been proposed that since Tara added XX Xmidnitegoff XXX (a genuine troll who has parodied her work) to her favorite authors list on, she can't have written My Immortal seriously. They decided to make the writings look like a "Harry Potter" fanfic because whatever came out could not be so bad, and to make it look like on, they taught the monkeys how to type some of the names. Stereotypes like "Hot Topic is for goth wannabes" can't simply be looked up because the "knowledge" isn't academic. With its message of hope, belonging and the enduring power of truth and love, the story of the Boy Who Lived continues to delight generations of new readers. Clue? That is, she needs him for emotional security even though she spends all her time viewing him in a hateful stew. Percy Jackson! Tara is merely the first vessel of whom it has taken control. If you took it upon yourself to create and dwell on such a psychotic story, you'd go crazy, too. The already bad grammar continues to go downhill as she writes, ending up as a garbled mess. So they decided that as a sort of Take That, they would write a Stealth Parody to beat the badfic authors at their own game. Filch is not a Squib, but a. They don't care that they're being flamed because they have the "higher purpose" of proving they're right. Found insideThe first ever fanfiction reader framed to emphasize fanfiction's unique transformative nature and continuity with other storytelling traditions. Star Wars: The Clone Wars 26. One of the Harry Potter books was discovered, badly damaged, either in the ruins of America or somewhere on Holy Terra. God is worshipped because he won the war against Satan. Or maybe, the attempts at gathering info by the Old Ones who created her for the creation of the Ork proto-female have been stymied by the eternal war around the galaxy, and so they had to reference other races' behavior for the creation of a female Ork psyche-- although their references were very much outdated. THIS IS NOT MY WORK: My Immortal was the worst fanfiction ever created and written by Tara Gilesbie. Wormtail became Snaketail because it's more goff that way. If Tara was writing the story only for herself, she could have kept writing it on her home computer and stopped posting it. The result was what we call the hacked chapter, but in Tara's mind she thought, "no1 wil undrstnd dis krp lol its soooo kwaii wht im ding!!!!! However Revan isn't just a force-sensitive child. She is superior in every which way to her predecessor. She's Tara's second avatar. After the knowledge faded from her brain, she went back to her account and, not remembering she had written the hacker chapter, continued writing as normal. It's too convenient to be a coincidence! You can find almost anything about a band if you want by a quick internet search. The disapperance of Tara is essentially her first thrust into our world. Bits and pieces of this personality seep into Tara's writing, hence the numerous references. Ebony's insatiable desire to screw in public places? The social battle between goffs and preps and the redundant clothing descriptions for example. Ebony and her friends don't know this, and Voldy probably cast a spell so he can keep taps on anyone who is a Satanist, or uses his name. And she's warping the fabric of reality around Hogwarts to her will! His passion and enthusiasm for writing fiction inspired many others and continues to do so. This collection is published in his memory. Her bizarre explanations/retcons of backstories is simply how she interprets the flashes of character's pasts she sees. The Gryffindor preps (notice how the ones in canon are either clever, successful, popular, etc.? The only exception is (briefly) Willow and she was (temporarily?) She couldn't stand the presser and used the spell she cast against herself to end her life. She just used it as an all-purpose shut down. !1", which people tend to interpret as her telling her flamers that they suck, but perhaps she's actually referring to the ship name? School Rumble 1. The whole dyslexia thing was added later to make her spelling errors more believable and to make us less likely to call her out on the hoax in case she is real. Why would she keep going if she didn't get off on being flamed? If Tara is a young authoress and is even much more skilled, she could try to parody our modern litterature and fanfiction, trying to point out all that is bad in it (disregard for the original's rules, lack of interestfor the deepest part of the stories and Fire Wars). She's uber-upset when Draco said no one understood him. No Characters of other universe moving to Hogwarts, NO SLASH. Very Sci-Fi mixed with Fantasy. Because Tara is a child prodigy with extensive reading but the emotions of a child. Hence why everything in the story's all wrong/exaggerated: Tara has no idea of what Earth culture (or Imperial culture) is like and probably got all her ideas from inaccurate sources-- perhaps a recording or vox of some sort, or maybe a fragmented document on pre-Dark Age Terra. She had some kind of condition which affected her ability to read and write, and she was bullied in school because of it. But it would explain various characters surviving death, and/or slashing their wrists all the time and drinking the blood. My Immortal isn't about a spoiled goth princess Sue, it's a deconstrucion about a lonely girl who has too much pressure thrust upon her and is coping by being goth. And when she does, it's brief and always the same stuff... as if she can only talk about "prepz" and "haturs" and "goffs" or else Wangst about the Hatedom following My Immortal. Dan Levy fans will have to head over to Netflix to catch the Emmy Winning Schitt’s Creek vet’s next batch of content. The troper responsible for sacking the tropers responsible for the previous four guesses has been sacked. . So we may have an amazing Tara impersonator, or we may have the real Tara returned and refreshed after a long break. Tara locked, The first one is more likely. We can only guess what would happen if Tara mashed the keyboard for the entire story. The goffs are rather like young Communist idealists years ago. I know that this theory banks on a lot of ifs, but, really, none of them are implausible, and it does take into account the fact that Tara is a human being who changes over time, something that many simply don't think about. The slow plot deterioration is her mind desperately trying to adapt to this ability and failing; it tries to create a narrative out of the random snatches she sees, some of which are simply single words. Remember the first time you went to a show and saw your favorite band. TtH hosts all genres of cross over fanfic as well as non-crossover stories from both BtVS and other fandoms by writers who archive their cross-over fan fiction here. Check out her user page: Ebony accidentally killed herself at the end. In his new state Tom causes changes to history that make the world into the crazy wannabe goffik nightmare from Ebony's time, thus allowing her personality to be formed into what it is and go back into hsi mind to make the changes. A thought-provoking introduction to maths relevant to everyday life, this book will change the way you look at making decisions. If "vloxemortserum" is a terrible misspelling of veritaserum, the most powerful truth potion, then it would make sense for a seer to take it so much that they became addicted to it. The original idea was not that great, but as they got more and more drunk the story got worse and worse. Voldemort's coolie, Snap (known also as Snoop and SNAKE) execute his orders. And he intentionally acts the part of a "poser" because he knows her prejudice against non-"goffs" will insure she views him simply as an enemy and won't try to see any deeper motivation in his actions. If true...well, there can be only one means of, It's the only thing that does make sense - JKR was sick of all those. After retrieving the brain, she went to her computer, didn't think the story could be hers because she remembered that story being brilliant, concluded that she must have hacked into some idiot's account, and wrote the hacker chapter. This doesn't prove jack in actuality. Did you just make a coherrent guestamation about My Immortal in a way that is actually plausible and sheds light on the story? It's pro. This is not a hoax. Jim Theis was a real person, who wrote The Eye of Argon in all seriousness as a teenager, and published it in a fanzine, Osfan in 1970. But the story did not pass into the oblivion that awaits most amateur fiction. The reason the writing was terrible to start with: Raven was never around long enough to actually edit worth a damn. Fanfic/The Hot Topic Krew. "Raven" is the name of the person whose brain formed the original Controller. Harry Potter, a ma'jaii from Earth who had been trained as a Jedi, is sent to protect the Queen of Naboo as her planet is invaded. They also seem to say really lame things,and talk about how good Satanism is when they behave like slutty preps. Could explain why the hacker only wrote one chapter, and then uploaded two of Tara's originals; why not do more damage than that? Follows the adventures of Talia as she trains to become a Herald of Valdemar in the first book in the classic epic fantasy Arrows trilogy Chosen by the Companion Rolan, a mystical horse-like being with powers beyond imagining, Talia, once a ... She probably just read the profiles of some of the suethors and went with that. When she's hanging out in a group, she's in the center. And the neurons that still worked became the "Ravyn" personality, That was when they fought. Stories Available as ePub eBooks. Unfortunately, no.We are working on restraining and sedating her, but at the moment, we cant find her.If you have any infor mation on her current whereabouts, please call ███-███-████. Comics Alliance, "Jump Sexily Into The 'My Immortal' Comic Based On The Webseries Of The Fanfic Of The Novel". This would explain the changes in styles from chapter to chapter. Breaking away from Peeves 's mind they could be that his good 'goffic ' side manifestated itself to stop from... Talent with a wand '' and tasked her with killing Draco her soul Eaters act the way Raven and 's! A non-parody Suefic just is n't going to work the publication process ones to! As another troper say really lame things, and killed itself out of trouble in the earlier chapters give to... Deal of how on Earth Sybill Trelawney has a dark magical humanoid being was! Has many opportunities to become legendary Slytherin wa represent the popular people, and chooses Immortal. 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