harry potter owns a casino fanfiction

Thank you.”. “Shut up, don’t tell me what to do, your not my mother woman, as much I want to hurt you, I cant but your daughter is not so lucky, and don’t you ever talk about my future wives like that, now to show you what I mean about Ginny” Harry walked closer to Ginny and commanded her to stop crying and to walk to him. For the thousands of superfans across the world who gather on online platforms like fanfiction.net to write their own stories within established literary canons, it's a . When the goddess Artemis goes missing, she is believed to have been kidnapped.And now it's up to Percy and his friends to find out what happened. With Morgana’s physical growth, her magical power grew as well. “Second marriage contract between one Harry James Potter and one Daphne Lillith Greengrass signed by one James Potter and one Hector Greengrass on August 2, 1990” Hector Greengrass nodded, and Daphne looked pleased as she saw Harry’s eyes on her. He pulled a piece of parchment and wrote back to McGonagall. By the time he got out and toweled off, it was almost eleven thirty. This wand was truly a piece of art. ” Master Harry, we have cleaned and restocked all but 2 of the barracks, astronomy tower, the duelling room and the ballroom. Display as a link instead, × The next update will be soon since I have the next 4 chapters outlined already. Guest Dory, October 21, 2019 in Harry Potter, Hermione, at some point around fourth year, realizes she has unparalleled access and influence over fem!Harry. “Greed over all “Harry said, and with the familiar tug behind his navel, Harry Potter disappeared from #4 Privet Drive. “But it also that I am an emancipated adult, and you have no right to tell me where I can go and what I can do.”, “Harry I must insist that you return to the safety of your…”, “No Headmaster.” Harry cut him off “I absolutely refuse to return to Privet Drive, nothing you can say will make me consider otherwise, now if you and your band of traitorous fucks would leave me be, I have several things that need my full attention.”. It took him several tries and wasted ingredients but he finally got it right and now could see with 20/20 vision. He jumped up , brushing himself off in the process and looked around. He finally found snake-face’s conscious mind and slowly entered. He turned around and faced the Weasly’s and told them to leave Gringotts, this started protest about how Ginny shouldn’t be there with Harry and how Harry was too young and all the usual crap. He quickly made his way to the front of the room and stood next to Chilhuck. He would become a truly great wizard if he could hone is talents. His eyes, normally a brilliant green, were dull and void, his mouth set in a firm line and his shoulders sagged in defeat. In order for this to work it would have to be suspended in a liquid medium, the most effective being blood.” Alphonse pulled out a knife and took Harry’s hand. His name is celebrated in every household. Ginny and Hermione might be forgiven latter in the story, but they will still be a slave “SMIRK”. Take 7 new recruits each. Harry withdrew slowly, contemplating his new discovery. One dying man's wish grants him the reprieve he desperately needs as he takes on the role of billionaire playboy. var sc_text=2; He jumped up, brushed himself off and waved his new pets to his side. Harry quickly cast a portkey charm on Ginny, this took her to the Black castle in Germany. A different spin on the Potter Verse featuring a manipulative Dumbledore and an evil worse than Voldemort. The next morning Harry got up at his usual time, he dressed and calmly waked out the front door for his usual walk, grabbing an old paperback from the door table as he went. He was sitting around a briefing table with the Inner Circle, well after promoting several Death Eaters, Jackson, Ruban and Brohart, to the Inner Circle. Her parents had a shocked look on their faces, when they found out about the money. Harry could use Fudge’s connections and the fact that he was the Head of two very rich and powerful families was just an added bonus. Harry showered and dressed in a set of comfortable jeans and a button up shirt. It’s better to put a link to the story in this thread so people can find it. Harry Potter Owns A Casino Fanfiction, two up crown casino perth, 3 eileen place casino, mardi gras casino florida Prize pool: 300% up to €1000 + 50 free spins Visit casino All you have to do is sign this document to remove him as your advisor” a piece of parchment appeared in front of Harry “and sign this one to file a formal complaint to the registry of Gringotts with the intention of lawsuit for breach of contract.” A second piece of paper appeared as well as a quill. The child of Harry Potter and Nympy should take the last name of Black and lead the Black Family. ‘That meddling old man was just as much at fault for Sirius’ death as I am.’. He picked up the required books for NEWT-Level DADA, Transfiguration, Charms, and Potions. “Of course Lady bones, but not here I have the perfect place, with a wave of his wand everyone disappeared and reappeared into a vault inside Gringotts. Understanding Online Casino Bonuses and their benefits. “What can I do for you today Mr. Potter?” said Griphook, getting down to business. Delphini was imprisoned in Azkaban for the murder of Craig Bowker Jnr. He wasn’t surprised with his charms and defence marks and wasn’t disappointed that he didn’t meet the greasy bastard’s standards. I leave my favorite cousin Nymphadora Tonks” who groaned at the use of her proper name, “12 million gold galleons, 2 million of which are to be given to your mother Nymph.”, “Continuing on, to Arthur and Molly Weasley I leave the sum of 20 million gold galleons, 5 million for yourselves, the rest to be divided into vaults for each of your children as well as Hermione Granger. After several hours of deep meditation, Harry found his core, to a huge shock. He found a role of parchment on the pillow and unrolled it. HE let out a long sigh, then grabbed his book and began to read. “Bitch, trying to give me attitude, are you. “Amazing” at Harry questioning look Alphonse continued “That wood is from a tree that grows only in the northern Canadian tundra, the Black Flower. Harry awoke in the chamber, slightly disoriented. Please give this story a try it has gotten more than 100 reviews in the first week! He has been stealing from you Harry.” Chilhuck finished quietly. Harry had defeated the Dark Lord. “You are wrong Dumbledore, the Merepeople and the veela’s are still in war. “Master Harry, Master Harry sir must wake up” a young house-elf said as he shook his naked master awake from his place in between two very naked women. It's the summer before Third Year. This bubble contained his conscious mind and served to retrieve and file information, as well as be the main place of thought within Harry’s mind. ” Lets do this thing”. Harry leapt from behind his shield and while he was still in the air fired off a Druid bludgeoning hex, the black jet of light hitting Draco directly in the chest throwing him against the wall and breaking several ribs. Harry become the Heir of other Houses like Gryffindor and Morgan Le Fay, or Modred? His plan would be put into action in 12 hours. A mere schoolboy would not show him up on a damned whim. Non-canon Harry Potter erotica: m/m. She was taken aback when Harry got up and hugged her. ” Sweet mother of god” Harry muttered to himself, as Morgana took off running and rolling in the grass and Hedwig took of into the air, ” This is fucking beautiful!”. Boy-who-lived found dead. ” Why were we kicked out of Grimmauld Place to begin with?” asked a perplexed Charlie Weasley. He had even found a long obscure potion that could correct eyesight. Harry realized that maybe Dumbledore used Ron to trick her into following him blindly, Hermione was of course the smartest witch of her age. “Thats already I wont take her, she will come to me. “I will be by to pick them up tomorrow at the time you told me. ), Potter Magical Creature Farm (100 ownership). A moneybag containing just under a hundred galleons, his wand, cloak with a deep hood, invisibility cloak, his dress robes and some spare changes of muggle clothes. Harriett’s legs trembled as she fought the urge to lower to the ground. The Potters were rumored to be related to Mordred the son of King Arthur, Mordred had a Daughter by a beautiful witch named Sophia, the Daughter was later almost killed, but was rumored to be saved my a Potter. Harry was still chuckling as he landed, somewhat more dignified, at the edge of the Black Castle Grounds. Those traitorous little fuckers, Dumbledore brings them into the Order and not the only person who can defeat Voldemort. “I, Sirius Orion Black, Head of the Black Family and Baron Black do declare this to be my last will and testament, to be executed upon my death by the goblins of Gringotts Bank.” The small figure began to speak to the room, not looking at any one person in particular.”, “Alright now that we’ve dispensed with the formalities, let get down to business. “This is the Druid Time Orb” Borgin explained. Twitch Forum Discussions. It subtly curved and twisted into the form of a dragon complete with head and fangs. He stared at it for a long time before reaching out and grabbing it. He sat as his worn and beaten desk, looking over his old school books. ‘That’s fine. A different upbringing leaves Harry Potter with an early knowledge of magic and a view towards the Wizarding World not as an escape from the Dursleys, but as an opportunity to learn more about it. Harry was fuming by the time he finished reading the letter. This vault also has a potions lab, dueling strip, workout room, and dining hall capable of seating twenty visitors, among other things. Hot . What the hell?’ Harry thought furiously. Soon enough they entered the library, Daphne couldn’t think of a word except amazement the room was circular and had shelves around it, the shelves also had ladders connected to them, so the user could reach the books on the higher shelf. He and his son don't know how to act around each other, Harry and the remaining Marauders have gone through horrors that he couldn't imagine, and they've all learned to live in a world without him. Harry couldn’t take it no more, first she goes and betrays him, now she acts like she is the lqady of the castle, Harry didn’t know what to do but to slap her. He made sure his hood was up and cleared his throat behind the man. She held the “rod” into a grip and started moving it up and down. After over two and half-hours later, Harry had a full piece of parchment listing every room in the Castle. I got it. Harry was sitting at the breakfast table in the Great Hall when a large golden eagle landed in front of him. Harry suddenly felt bad for treating her like that, but he pushed those feelings away. Fred and George Weasly were looking at Harry and Ginny as if they had gone mad. I’m sure this would be a pleasant surprise for him. A.N I don't own Harry Potter or any of the Characters except for Sage May and her family. I have more rules, you will call me master, my wives mistresses, you will not change your cloths unless I tell you to, you will only take orders from me, is that clear” Harry exclaimed in anger. Harry dug in and soon had wiped his plate clean. Remember you didn’t wear any bra, and I saw your nipples poking out, do you know how many times I had to stop thinking about it. If his math was right he had over two hundred and twenty-seven billion galleons at his disposal. He looked in the library and was awed. Harry fell a sleep halfway through his 2nd year text. Harry does purchase an island, Drake Island. Harry made his way past the hallway and into the actual castle quarters. Found insideChip Honeycutt has a girly name. IGT >> Read our full review. “What does that mean Mr. President?”. What this relationship exactly entails, and who else is involved is up to you. These channels were the pathways for magic to travel the body. The crate contains many scrolls of ancient dark druid magic that as found alongside the orb.”. Daphne couldn’t believe it she was in heaven when Harry kissed her, she slowly opened her eyes to see Tonks hugging Harry from the back, a closer look revealed that she had her hands under Harry’s pants and was now pleasuring him. In this fifth edition of A Cognitive Psychology of Mass Communication, author Richard Jackson Harris continues his examination of how our experiences with media affect the way we acquire knowledge about the world, and how this knowledge ... “Rosclaw if you can tell me why I had to come hear and faces these stupid people”? “Mr. Harry left the bathroom ten minutes later as fresh as a billionaire could be and headed for the dining room. He showered and dressed in some of Dudley’s more tattered clothing and made his way down to the kitchen. An interesting idea that struck Harry was Morgana. Heck she’d do anything to be Harry Potters alpha, even if she had to morph in to any women in the world even Molly Weasley, that thought made her shiver. They are both equipped with everything from potions rooms to dueling rooms as well as living facilities better than those at Hogwarts. The rings around her neck and tail burst into flames almost a foot long and burned hotter than any normal fire. I can arrange a portkey for you to travel back and froth between the vaults and the main lobby.”, “That would be most appreciated Chilhuck. Harry was feeling incredible, like he had run a marathon but with no exhaustion. He knew he had to return to Hogwarts, at least for a couple of months until he could win the Minister over to his side. This was signed by one Harold Potter and Leonordo Bones on march 16th 1976” There was w pregnant silence as people especially Harry took the information in. It also could shrink to the size of a deck of cards with simply a tap of a wand. Harry began to calm down. He wasn’t just rich, he was filthy, stinking, disgustingly rich. Tell me an unpopular opinion about Harry Potter you have. ” Everyone, we must relocate. Hermione flicked her finger back and forth until Harriet not only dropped her quill, but also her forehead to the desk. Tonks took out her hands from Harry’s pants and then she unbuckled his belt, as well as unbuttoned and unzipped his pants. He knew when the guard changed and who was changing. We were entrusted with the last will and testament of Baron Black and due to the fact that you have been named a beneficiary to his estate, we request that you please attend a will reading ceremony at Gringotts Bank in Diagon Alley in precisely 10 days at noon. Leaving the nostalgia behind, Harry began to plan for the future. Please have some fun with what I left you. She was happy to feel a hard rod next to her hand. Set in fourth year, before the tournament. by Lord Cargyle. Normally this would not be possible as you are not Black by blood but sue to the fact that his mother disowned him while he was a teenager, but failed to remove him as Heir, that rule no longer applies as he was not technically of the family Black.”, “Continuing on, while researching the names of the beneficiaries, your name came across. Harry pockets the Potter finance scroll just as his meal arrived. He stared at the Chilhuck his eyes wide. He let his mind explore every part of his body with the same results, a deep green field in every direction. While doing our investigations, we have found out that one of our own worker has sneaked into your vault and took out a file full of papers. Rated M for language Harry soon learned, after his mastery of Druid magic, that Earth magic could help him immensely as well. Without blinking an eye, Harry pulled out his bank slips yet again and wrote one out for eight million galleons. A/N: Let me guess I stopped when it got really good right. ‘Reducto’ he muttered. She didn’t know why Dumbledore had insisted that someone guard Harry constantly, and had made her opinions clear about spending limited Order manpower guarding Potter. "In this story, meet spunky Lily Bobtail, who just moved from the city to the rural Lake District. A daring girl, Lily is the perfect new friend for Peter and Benjamin"-- I have some polls I want answered. One could easily kill someone levitation spell by dropping them off a cliff. He slowly slid his finger under the seal and unfolded the parchment. She was wearing a navy blue dress that brought out her curves and blue ribbons tied to her hair which Harry took note were actually looked decent as it went down her back and up to her bum. Harry didn’t know what to do but smirk ‘life was good’ he thought as he began to do naughty things. “You got to let be burrow that book Daph” Harry asked quickly. He steadfastly refused and when we attempted to reason with him, he used a dark curse on us before portkeying away.” Dumbledore slammed his fist on the table, the fell into his chair, spent. Everyone except Ginny lets go to the main living room the girls are coming by the floo” Daphne and Tonks walked out towards the living room. x. He partially owns an island in linkffn(darkness ascendant) and partially and outright owns worlds in linkffn(a trek to the stars by cole pascal). “Really Tonks, I grew up with muggles, I have seen my cousin with playboy magazines, I have seen my uncle talking dirty to my aunt when I was little, heck I even saw my uncle and my aunt making love when I was eight, even till this day I don’t know how someone as big and fat as my uncle lay on top of a skinny women, disgusting if you ask me”. He spotted Borgin and Burkes about a block away and hurried past a more desperate prostitute and made his way into the shop. This vault has 5 bedrooms, 2 personal and 3 barracks style, capable of sleeping 6 people each. Today was Sirius’ will reading and somehow Harry knew there was going to be a fight. He pulled out eh silver ball portkey and tapped it with his wand. I am not making money or making any personal gains through the writing or posting of this fanfiction. “Ginny finish your breakfast, I will deal with you later, Hermione come with me” Harry commanded. Harry smiled and stretched. These new bubbles were placed within the high security bubble just like his regular mind. Delecour was not in any danger” Dumbledore concluded. Harry turned and resumed his walk toward Chilhuck when he heard Ron mutter a spell. All Harry wants is for someone else to be in charge for once, but when he's made Head Boy and charged with keeping a careful eye on Draco Malfoy, the prospect of a quiet year vanishes. The young magician, Skeeve, searches for his demon teacher, Aahz, in the intolerable dimensions of Perv, while Guido and Nunzio join the army in an effort to conquer Queen Hemlock. I want 10 sets of black casual robes and 5 sets of midnight blue casual robes. ” Well done. Oh, he doesn't own it I think but he's basically a pirate isoand king in one of derlacroix's stories. After near half an hour of playing with his pets, Harry realised that he still hadn’t gone into the Castle. Harry next stop was the magical trunk store. Harry took it and pulled out his new credit card, banks slips, and silver ball portkey. His magic science book described apparition as when the magic of the wizard is able to temporarily become corrosive and disintegrated the body down to pure magic. If they want to be part of the Order and not like me, then I sure as hell don’t want them around me. Harry owns a Company. Harry was taken aback when he found out Tonks was a brunette, with a V shaped pubic hair trim. He took a seat at the head table and called out, ” Lampy!”. I only ask that you re-shingle the roof. He also found some very useful books on Runes and COMC. Unless its about Sirius…” Trembling Harry took the letter form the owl, which hopped over to Hedwig’s water dish gulped some down and took flight again, gaining a dirty look form the snow white owl. Harry pushed them open and took inventory of the room. He was making his way toward the counter when he heard a loud voice. “Okay Okay get the picture, now what did you want to ask me Harry” Daphne asked? With his new found wealth and power, he would never need to work again, indeed his great great grandchildren would be wealthy beyond their wildest dreams. ” Harry said aloud and laughed. If he wasn’t able to prevent Harry from inheriting the Black Fortune, perhaps he could guide Harry to use it so help his on personal motives. His mind was brewing. ‘Damn that feels good. Those lying bastards.” Harry paid for his books and left Flourish and Blotts. Welcome my Fanfiction of Harry Potter. It starts with small things, like what to wear, but soon escalates to the point where during the ball Hermione has fem!Harry trying not to cum while her pussy has been cursed to constantly feel as though it is being played with. He was free, emancipated, and loving every minute of it. The room you are currently in is the master bedroom. Fleur looked stunning with her beautiful emerald green dress, and blond hair. Harry Potter Fanfiction Casino, best penny slots to win on, excalibur's choice slot, ireland online gambling tax-0. The colors flew by and wind brushed his hair back against his scalp, as Harry Potter stared out the open window of the family car. After a year of training, Morgana had reached her full height and weight, standing over a metre tall and 2 meters in length and weighing a full compliment of two hundred and twenty pounds. ” Sentry 1 reports that they are under the direction of You- Know-Who.” He finished grievously. Site: fanfiction.net | Category: Harry Potter | Rated: Fiction M | Chapters: 56 | Words: 812,590 | Reviews: 11,134 | Favs: 10,716 | Follows: 10,498 | Updated: 8/13/2018 | Published: 12/15/2015 | Status: Complete | id: 11669575 | Language: English | Characters: Harry P. | Download: EPUB or MOBI. His face red with anger, Dumbledore pulled his wand and tapped his Order necklace. The monotony of the task also gave him time to think. Deposited funds locked to casino platform until wagering met. Most of his items had been knocked to the floor when Harry had had his magic aroused. 888 Tiger Casino read review % . Not only did he not want Voldemort to try and retrieve them before he had a chance to examine them; he didn’t want anyone to find this dark magic knowledge through Occulumency. “Were are not married yet wouldn’t it be disgraceful in the wizarding world” Harry asked? Gabrielle was another thing all together, she was a 10 year old girl with long blond hair tied to her back in ponytails, she had a heart shaped face and gray eyes that looked good on her she was wearing a pink sun dress out of all things which took her innocence to a new level. My editor (justapapergoat) owns the other OC, Grace Demitri. Harry then made his way behind the store and his behind a dumpster. It was smaller than the Great Hall at Hogwarts but more elegant. He walked up to her “I see someone wants attention, like being a slave Ginny, does that turn you on, can you feel the wetness in your knickers, I have another rule, and that is you may not pleasure yourself unless I let you” Harry slowly put one of his hands inside Ginny’s skirt and then her knickers, he was pleased to feel wetness and hair on her lips. This book offers a media ethnography of the digital culture, conventions, and urban spaces associated with fandoms, arguing that fandom is an area of productive, creative, and subversive value. Harry Potter and Just Some Island by M-python-girl. Trying to get the 1st chapter posted but it keeps refreshing the same screen to input everything over and over. She must’ve known that Harry was being mistreated by both Dumbledore and the Dursleys. he checked the defenses on his bubbles and took a deep breath. Play clever, pick an internet casino with free play, the free Harry Potter Gambling Fanfiction amount of money or the free spins are not the same at online casinos, make sure to play with a big free Harry Potter Gambling Fanfiction amount of cash or free spins right from start. His arrogance and pettiness have been a constant source of irritation for years. Harry glanced at the clock, nine thirty in the morning. Severus, take Knockturn Alley again but also the Wizarding District in France. Should anyone try to penetrate his mind and find one of these ‘pain-bubbles’ they would get a large dose of Cruciatus-like pain. It's on ao3. How much?” Harry asked. ‘must be about Ron’ Harry thought as Rosclaw starting talking again. After a couple of hours and a fair number of drinks later, Harry managed to swap out all of the $5 and $10 chips in his stacks to $50 and $100 chips and even added a few chips to the mix. (I would almost say has a fetish for it) But it is very creative and has a lot of interesting angles. One was sealed with the Potter Family Seal and the other with the Black Family Seal. His hair had grown a fair bit as well. “What are you doing to me?”. I was hoping to meet with him and discuss my situation”, “Not a problem Mr. Potter. He quickly apparated to his study and opened a window. Shortly after, however, I received a letter form Albus Dumbledore. Please Review on what you guys want to do with one Gabrielle Delecour. Ginny just stared at him with tears running down her cheeks and into her chest. Request. All of the dining wear was gold and the plates were made of highly polish ceramic. It is also a very well written book, good for the romance, even though it is incomplete without the smut The synopsis D. Dumbledore and Snape were to blame as well, with their pathetic and cruel joke of Occlumency classes. If I remember correctly StoryIDs are not enough to locate a story across the Archive. We also found out that there were a few life dept that turned into sole bonds or slavery dept. He instructed the cabbie to take him to the nearest fitness store. Another thing Dumbledore has broken contract on.”, “I see. All of this will need self-cleaning and temperature-regulating charms. We have also withheld the 20 million galleons that were supposed to go to the Weasly’s from the Sirius Blacks will. His wands was squeezing Hermione’s ass, he had to admit Hermione had plain looks but her ass was a whole other thing, it was simply a master piece. Most of the spells were ones that were still around today, but due to Ministry Guidelines, their power had been severely reduced. Tonks was the first one seat up on the bed next to Harry. He had already read and reread his charms and defense textbooks from first through 5th year and was now working on his transfiguration. Congratulations Mr. Potter on 11 OWLs. Now what of this interesting news?” Harry asked, his interest drawn. “I do believe I made myself clear. Somehow they muddle through the ordeal, and create "The Co-Ed Naked Dueling Club (TM)" along the way. His writing continued as he made a list of what he thought he would need to train for hid fight against Voldemort. Them several minutes to cover the kilometre to the conclusion that his magical core was spread out. 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