https archiveofourown org works 20062378

“There, look. It’ll be his welcome surprise.” Blushing, he added. “Red asters signify undying devotion.” Said the oldest boy, picking at his lunch with a fork, uninterested. We’re just about done here, anyways. HONESTLY IM JUST SO HAPPY FOR THEM…… what do u guys think of the conspiracy that crowley leaked the true ep 24 ending on purpose to get a fan to do exactly what Kasey did?????? Sighing, he pulled his earphones out of his pocket and plugged them in. No, no. Was there something that got cut out? Yeonjun found that ironic. Even up til now, he couldn’t form a single word. And waited. Time granted to them through money and debt, chemicals and machinery. CROWLEY: Right, ‘course. “No! “I forgot to ask,” Soobin spoke up, halting in his tracks. But it’s not enough. They make my ears feel all cozy, and protected. What’s the rush? A dumb fancomic for jerks, written and drawn by a complete weirdo, unassociated with anything official. I knew my place.” He paused, unsure if he should say the rest. He even agreed to tape them on the walls for him when they began to run out of space for display. Which is why you can’t move.” The child—Beomgyu—reassured him. Words: 11652, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English. “Are we finally done?’’ He attempted to peek an eye open, body relaxing significantly. Why did he have body odor now? Second of all, Crowley, garlic powder isn’t a condiment, it’s a seasoning. If it’s too awkward, then I’d just die right there.”. “Even just now.”. thanks for crying through this fic with me hehe. AZIRAPHALE: ...and it’s all about transparency, my dear, and being honest about how you feel—. Yeonjun felt as if he had roughly been woken up from a dream, body frozen. An arm comfortably snaked itself around his waist, pulling him securely flush against Yeonjun’s side. Beomgyu always had a smaller build, but had he gotten thinner over the years? By the time he arrived at the end of the sentence, it was barely audible when he added, “please—one last time.”. bluesidezrig, writingatnight, Kikyou, Dee_13, BuuBunni97, Oi_Josuke1999, Beautyandlove, MephistoPheles101, Astyrra, sekirlu, Drowsy_Salamander, PeinSaku, EatenByAGeko, elleves, KGenieve, Usingmainlyspoons, royhkeasuttura, FirelightLion, Snoop_snoot, Donnieambie_Dawn, Maybelifeistooshort, TheRookMaster, LockeKey21, Phoenix_Obsidian, Spatz, QueenMissFit, PsychoTiger, dreamscomingtrue, 14707, rocambolesco, TheAlpacalypse, wordswhispers, aceascendant, MayMay_The_Pirate, bingsuheaven, svalion, cyanide5p, GlassDoors, Fortuna14, averyrich1102, sadlynojellybeans, luridCavum, TellersOfTales, Jade_Plant, ara_luen, onedemoniclilly, GhostOfDetritus, Quinntessentially, TheDevilInDisguise, cuisle, and 5755 more users Best to tell your mother how her habits have affected your state of mind. It all happened too quickly, too sudden for anyone to realise just what the impact was truly like until it had already passed. Yeonjun could barely hold onto that remaining spark of hope anymore—was it still a spark? On days when Yeonjun’s signature smile didn’t reach his eyes, Soobin was the first to reach for his hand. He didn’t notice the enigmatic change behind the child’s once innocent face; now staring at him like she saw right through him when he turned to her. 41 votes, 21 comments. you can find them all here . And you’re right, you know. With a visibly trembling hand, he inched closer, reaching in—and carefully pulled the oxygen mask from Beomgyu’s face. The mental image of Beomgyu putting so much effort just for him put a fond smile on his face. So, he turned the other direction, staring into the once green field that was now a deathly ring of fire. Nonetheless, his head refused to slow down. “They got you a bouquet of red aster, how thoughtful.” Yeonjun spoke, positioning the younger’s arms so that he was now holding onto the bouquet with both hands. “I never knew what it was like to have a chance to live, so would it be selfish to ask you to do it? To feel heat crawl up your face when you hold someone else’s hand? He sighed to himself as he spilled the contents of the bottle onto his palm, which trembled more violently than he would have liked to admit. In other words, a hopeless love story of two childhood best friends who didn't realise what it meant to have each other until it was too late; compiled of yearning, loss, forlorn hope, unrequited love, and every tragedy in between. Peter x Carol x Diana x Sue x Dinah x Jean x Others. If Yeonjun found it endearing, he didn’t let him know. I mean hes the one who posts the eps bc aziraphale is computer illiterate lmfao but if you listen you can tell that they’re not edited at all, apart from adding in ad breaks sometimes and the theme song. if you don't like rps/f or mlm, this is your cue to not waste more time and close the tab.2) this fic may contain sensitive elements not suitable for some readers. But his hope led him onto a dead end, as even that amounted to no avail. Yeonjun barely had time to look up to assess the source, and even less time to barely dodge it as a branch right above him snapped in half and came crashing down. It was hard for Yeonjun to recall what he meant by ‘everything’ as he stood there, dumbfounded—did he mean his confession at the hospital? Something about … furniture? And you, Crowley? The missing piece he was looking for had escaped him long ago just as when Beomgyu’s last breath escaped him. It was difficult for Yeonjun to make out who it was. He would never admit it, not even with a knife pointed at his throat—but at the back of his mind, he knew. I’ll make sure to replace the garden floor with foam mats so you’ll never be hurt again.” His words were met with an excited exclamation. And it’s just as amazing as everyone’s said, I’m dying laughing, but idk if there’s something wrong with me because I honest to god am 10 episodes in and cannot figure out if the hosts are real guys or if they’re just playing characters. Yeonjun was a few steps ahead of the younger—one of his many newfound perks of having longer legs—and was not paying attention to Beomgyu slowly drifting behind as he mindlessly hiked his way to the maple tree. The younger boy sighed, leaning back into his embrace. “I’m so glad I haven’t lost you completely." CROWLEY: Well, she obviously took it. My dear boy, I rather thought you’d given up on that sort of thing! His figure wasn’t anything impressive; he’s always had a thinner build, one that would make it hard for you to spot in a crowd. Yeonjun would have let him go, and they would have parted ways then, if only a sense of courage hadn’t strangely overcome him to enable one of the stupidest decisions of Yeonjun’s short-lived life. Even so, a pair of eyes still burned holes through the back of his head. The him from several years ago would think this was normal between them, but now he knew better—and he immediately recognised that look. Instead of making it to Orochimaru's hideout, Sasuke ends up being raised by "Tobi.". Soobin’s crinkled. We invite papers in all areas, including fan fiction, fan vids, film . This area of the park had always been more secluded this time around. From the tiniest crack left ajar, he could spot the back of two gloomy figures; Beomgyu’s parents. Colours rippled in bright paper hues through his field of vision; left to right, up to down. Tbh he seems like the kind of adhd guy who doesnt have the attention span to sit down and edit an hourlong pod every week although that may be me projecting. He let out a cracked plea, “Please, wait for me at the gate. His hyung is here—and there was nothing for him to be afraid of. 64k words, very unfortunately incomplete, and looks angsty. I can't—” He gripped the side of the hospital bed, knuckles white as he tried to steady himself to no avail. It would just be a small revisit of the past. Slowly after, Yeonjun shook his head and tucked a hand underneath it as a makeshift pillow. He had long dreamed of celebrating his graduation day with Beomgyu, the younger standing right next to him on that venue stage—dressed in a similar gown, wearing a similar hat, staring at him with the proudest smile in the world. There were so many! Every time the older boy would show up at his doorstep, no matter the time nor circumstance; as long as he had that bright grin on his face, Beomgyu would undoubtedly follow him anywhere. His desperation to break the tension gave him the courage to speak. Beomgyu, on the other hand, was going to combust out of frustration. Not even the crosswalk light blaring a bright red. His lack of appetite almost made him recoil, but fought against it as he remembered to be polite for the free food. CROWLEY: You, talking about being honest about feelings, of all people—. It wasn’t anything different from other hospital rooms. CROWLEY: Says the man who’s not prepared his own food since the Peloponnesian War. From the corner of the room, Soobin finally walked over and handed him an acoustic guitar. His eyes were closed, and Yeonjun was able to see close-up the curly, long lashes which laid out like little fans cascading above his cheekbones. “When I was laying here, I heard everything he said. “I haven’t cried in front of you ever since we were, what, twelve? The nurse named Soobin just nodded. “I know I said I didn’t prepare a thing, but I wanted to give you one last surprise.”. CROWLEY: And when have I ever cared what you liked? AZIRAPHALE: Didn’t we see the original run on Broadway? He is expected to follow his parents' steps, and the chance to prove everyone wrong has come. That was all he was—Choi Yeonjun, a burden. She asks: I work in a large office, where the dress code is fairly business formal. The Archive is a wholly fan-created and fan-run space, where fannish creativity can benefit from the OTW’s advocacy in articulating the case for its legality and social value. He was at a loss, a wretched mess of a thousand knots in place of his body—all coming loose under the manoeuvre of Choi Yeonjun’s lips. ummmmm. What he didn’t disclose, was that the smile was to fool himself more than it was to fool Beomgyu. That is overkill! A second later, he produced a small box in his hands, pulled right out of the basket. Somehow, this felt more intimate than it should be. I teased you and said you sounded like a cow, when in reality I was too busy being distracted by the beating of my heart to even hear you properly.". His face became clearer, and so did the rest of him—Yeonjun didn’t dare blink, afraid that this perfect illusion would be broken if he did. I thought it would be enough to just sit with you, without looking over our shoulders all the time— I thought that was all I ever needed. None of them spoke, and for the longest time; it also felt like none of them remembered to breathe. Get notified when your favorite works, series, or users update. Soobin made a little gesture, and the next moment, he and the other two had retreated to the furthest corner of the room. it doesn't matter the statistics or popularity; if this fic can help someone who experienced loss find solace or closure, that's more than enough for me. The arrogant smile on Yeonjun’s lips told him it wasn’t. Her tiny frame was huddled by the sea of origami hearts on the sheet; the sight was oddly endearing, but heart-wrenching to him for reasons the male would rather not address. The rest felt like a fever dream. 5980 guests It has no deeper meaning beyond that. Yeonjun had never seen him look that small before, both literally and figuratively. He could hear a faint chuckle from the male next to him, but he couldn’t care less. When they turned eleven, Beomgyu took him here again—on a chilly September evening, where the breeze no longer held the comforting warmth of a peck like it would a March afternoon. Each word began to hang heavier than the last. as long as you repost with credit/link back to this ao3 page, you can translate. Report. “Good afternoon, auntie. Nothing will happen when I’m by your side, silly.”, Beomgyu was hesitant—but Yeonjun knew him well enough to know that it was beginning to sway him, so he tried again. But for the past year, because of him, he had been learning—all for the purpose of one day being able to play this song to him, yet this wasn’t exactly how he imagined it’d go down. Cuz if so, no sorry usually aziraphale wins :’(. “Choi Beomgyu, I will never let you breathe easy again.” He whispered vengefully, flipping them over with ease. You were the best thing to ever happen to me—the only good thing to have entered my life. It would have been hard to miss. “You realise that it’s written in bright yellow letters on your face whenever you have a thought and it’s about me, right?’’, A weak punch was thrown at his chest. When other people make it! The taller boy caught his eyes, and a flash of pity flitted past his complexion. “He wanted me to come by and properly thank you. The scene he was met with, he could not erase out of his mind for the rest of his life, no matter how hard he tried. It’s not gonna be as simple as hello, goodbye, thank you! He paused for a second, taking in the sight of Beomgyu one last time. He needed all the distance he could use between him and Yeonjun right now, since something odd bloomed in his chest the longer the boy was close to him. Not that he was expecting anything else; but that lingering trace of hope festered inside him like a parasite, refusing to leave his mind. “Mister nurse, did you like the older boy?” The little girl spoke up. The boy looked away, internally reprimanding himself for letting his voice go off-pitch. “Beomgyu, have you ever been curious about what it’s like to kiss someone?”, Beomgyu’s chest tightened so badly he was almost convinced a knot was closing in on his throat. 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